2 Credit Hours CHRISTIAN GROWTHCourse Focused on Christian GrowthEnroll Now 2 Credit Hours LAYMANSHIP MISSIONSCourse Focused on Laymanship MissionsEnroll Now 1 Credit Hour THE LANGUAGE OF MUSICCourse Focused on The Language Of MusicEnroll Now 3 Credit Hours BASIC BIBLE DOCTRINESCourse Focused on Basic Bible DoctrinesEnroll Now 3 Credit Hours OLD TESTAMENT SURVEYCourse Focused on Old Testament SurveyEnroll Now 3 Credit Hours NEW TESTAMENT SURVEYCourse Focused on New Testament SurveyEnroll Now 1 Credit Hour LAYMANSHIPCourse Focused on LaymanshipEnroll Now 1 Credit Hour SOUL WINNINGCourse Focused on Soul WinningEnroll Now 1 Credit Hour PRAYERCourse Focused on PrayerEnroll Now